Common heritages: challenges of the “democracy of the future”
memories; common heritage; Holocaust; PlantationResumo
The reflections presented in this article were developed within the sphere of the Research Group on Subjectivities and (Auto)Biographies of the Graduate Studies Program in Cultural Heritage and Society at the University of the Region of Joinville (Univille), in (auto)biographical research studies which narrate lives and experiences in conditions of vulnerability. They require profound listening, at the same time as they provoke a type of knowledge production marked by a political position concerning the reality of the present. Based on Safatle’s work (2016), about the precariousness of life, our question is: What can the condition of vulnerability of life say about cultural heritages? What does one think starting from helplessness? At first, the articulation between memory concepts developed throughout the 20th century is retrieved, especially in the context of the Holocaust. In a second moment, following Mbembe (2018), the reflection argues in favor of the common heritage and its articulation with the memory of Plantation and the challenge of identity and concepts such as the in common to the detriment of the universal.