Surgical approach and the use of cryotherapy in a keratocystic odontogenic tumor after 12 months of decompression
odontogenic tumors; odontogenic cysts; mandible.Resumo
The Keratocystic Odontogenic Tumor (KOT) is a
pathology classified as an odontogenic cyst and began to be considered
an odontogenic tumor in 2005, because of the presence of intrinsic
characteristics compatible with neoplasm, such as its high rate of
recurrence and differentiated mechanism of growth. Although its
etiology is still unknown, its origin is believed to be related to the
remnants of the dental lamina. Clinically it presents aggressive
behavior and high rates of recurrence. Various types of treatment
have been related, ranging from more conservative methods to radical
surgery. With the goal of diminishing the potential for recurrence of
these lesions, some authors have recommended the use of adjunct
therapies such as peripheral osteotomy with burs, treatment of the
surgical site with Carnoy’s solution, electrocauterization, cryotherapy
and resection. Objective: The aim of the present study is to report the case of a patient with a KOT of large proportions in the mandible.
Case report: Treatment was taken to perform decompression of the
lesion for 12 months, and after this treatment comprised curettage
and cryotherapy. Conclusion: This procedure is considered useful
and conservative, as it avoids traumatisms to the noble structures
close to the lesion.