Hospital Dentistry: a proposal of new discipline


  • Alessandra Nogueira Porto
  • Alex Semenoff Segundo
  • Álvaro Henrique Borges
  • Tereza A. Delle Vedove Semenoff
  • Fábio Pedro de Miranda



Community Dentistry; hospital; oral health.


The implementation of educational and preventive oral
health procedures in a hospital is fundamental for undergraduates,
both for the opportunity of interaction with other health professionals
and for the individual and collective growth. This promotes the
student’s human and professional formation because it enables the
patient’s oral health care within a complete treatment. Objective: The
aim of this study was to describe the educational practices (teaching,
research, extension and service) in the Hospital Dentistry Course of
the School of Dentistry, University of Cuiabá. This first experience led
to curriculum change and the creation of a new discipline: Hospital
Dentistry. Development: The procedures of tertiary oral health
experienced by Dentistry teachers and undergraduates provided the
material of this study. The methodological procedures of this new
discipline insertion comprised technical-administrative and academic
actions aiming to establish a new curriculum in Dentistry Course. For
this purpose, actions of exchange and dialogue between the School
of Dentistry and the University Hospital managers were executed.
The strategy resulted in the insertion of Dentistry undergraduates
within this new area of educational practice, involving qualified
individuals to organize the discipline. Also, the recognition of other
health area professionals was achieved, who realized the importance
of dental knowledge in tertiary treatment as a necessary component
to avoid complications to the patients, once dental problems affect
the patient’s quality of life and imminent risk of death.


Não há dados estatísticos.




Como Citar

Alessandra Nogueira Porto, Alex Semenoff Segundo, Álvaro Henrique Borges, Tereza A. Delle Vedove Semenoff, & Fábio Pedro de Miranda. (2013). Hospital Dentistry: a proposal of new discipline. Revista Sul-Brasileira De Odontologia, 9(1), 119–22.