Dental autotransplant: case report


  • Nathália Martins Pacini
  • Dirceu Tavares Formiga Nery
  • Daniel Rey de Carvalho
  • Normeu Lima Junior
  • Alexandre Franco Miranda
  • Sérgio Bruzadelli Macedo



autologous transplantation; third molar; oral surgery.


The autogenous transplantation or dental
autotransplantation is defined as the replacement of an absent
or impaired tooth by another transplanted one, usually the third
molar. The tooth is transplanted to a prepared or existing tooth
socket occupied by the lost tooth, in a same person. This technique
is considered a viable method due to its high success rate when
properly indicated combined with a relatively low cost. Objective
and case report: To report a clinical case study conducted in the
Integrated Clinics of the Catholic University of Brasilia in a young
melanoderm male patient, 13 years-old, who underwent late tooth
transplantation technique, i.e., in two steps: the right upper third
molar was transplanted to the socket of the right lower first molar.
The case described showed incomplete root formation and radiographic
following-up for eight consecutive months. Conclusion: This type of
oral rehabilitation contributed to bone formation stimulation at the
transplanted site, the maintenance of the masticatory function and
the financial costs reduction for the patient, representing a further
possible therapy in the dentist’s armamentarium.


Não há dados estatísticos.




Como Citar

Nathália Martins Pacini, Dirceu Tavares Formiga Nery, Daniel Rey de Carvalho, Normeu Lima Junior, Alexandre Franco Miranda, & Sérgio Bruzadelli Macedo. (2013). Dental autotransplant: case report. Revista Sul-Brasileira De Odontologia, 9(1), 108–13.