Microbiological evaluation of infected root canals and their correlation with pain


  • Nadine Luísa Soares de Lima Guimarães
  • Hanna Machado Otoch
  • Larissa Cavalcante de Andrade
  • Cláudio Maniglia Ferreira
  • Márcia Maria de Negreiros Pinto Rocha
  • Fábio de Almeida Gomes




microbiology; root canal; pain.


The aim of this study was to evaluate the
endodontic microbiota of human teeth without pulp vitality presenting
radiographically visible periapical lesions and its correlation with preand postoperative pain symptomatology. Material and methods: Sixteen
young adult patients, both genders, aging from 18 to 45 years, presenting
21 single-rooted teeth with pulp necrosis and needing endodontic
treatment were selected in the multidisciplinary clinic at the University
of Fortaleza (UNIFOR). After crown surgical access, the root canals were
embedded with 0.9% saline solution and the material from root canals
was collected with sterile paper point. The paper points were placed
into Stuart transport medium and sent to the microbiology laboratory of
the University of Fortaleza. Isolation and identification of bacteria were
made by culture technique. The cleaning and shaping of root canals was
performed by crown-down technique. Intra-canal medication comprised
calcium hydroxide mixed with chlorhexidine and after 14 days the
canals were filled. Patients were asked about the occurrence of pain
before treatment and 24 hours after cleaning and shaping procedures.
Results: The most prevalent microbial group was Streptococcus sp.
followed by Fusobacterium nucleatum, although Gram-positive cocci,
non-sporulating Gram-positive bacilli, Gram-negative bacilli, pigmented
Gram-negative bacilli, Veillonella, Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas
sp. were also frequently isolated. Conclusion: According to the results,
it can be concluded that Fusobacterium nucleatum and Gram-negative
bacilli were more related to pre-operative pain. Regarding to postoperative
pain, the most prevalent bacteria were Gram-positive cocci.


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Como Citar

Nadine Luísa Soares de Lima Guimarães, Hanna Machado Otoch, Larissa Cavalcante de Andrade, Cláudio Maniglia Ferreira, Márcia Maria de Negreiros Pinto Rocha, & Fábio de Almeida Gomes. (2013). Microbiological evaluation of infected root canals and their correlation with pain. Revista Sul-Brasileira De Odontologia, 9(1), 31–7. https://doi.org/10.21726/rsbo.v9i1.962