Hard and soft tissue manipulation to optimize the peri-implant aesthetics – case report
bone transplant; dental implantation; esthetics; “roll on” technique.Resumo
The demand for aesthetic results in oral rehabilitation
by dental implants in the anterior area constitutes a major challenge
for dentists. Objective: The purpose of this paper was to report the
management of hard and soft tissues to optimize the aesthetics of a
single implant at anterior area. Case report: The patient underwent
autogenous block bone graft surgery, Morse taper implant installation,
peri-implant soft tissue manipulation through the “roll on” technique,
provisional tooth and prosthetic finishing with metal free implantsupported crown. Conclusion: After three years of follow-up, this
paper strongly suggests that the combination of bone with gingival
techniques proved to be essential for obtaining predictability and
adequate esthetic results.