Use of electronic apex locator in the impossibility of radiographic visualization of the root apex: report of two cases
Endodontics; root apex; working length determination.Resumo
Electronic apex locators have been widely used for
foraminal identification and for working length determination.
The establishment of a correct apical limit is essential for a good
prognosis in cases of pulp vitality or pulp infection. Objective and
Case reports: The aim of the study is to report two cases where the
use of electronic apex locators was crucial due to the inability to
visualize the root apex due to a post-surgical retaining plate (case 1)
and during orthodontic treatment with a maxillary expander (case
2). Conclusion: In this light we could confirm the effectiveness of
these devices for the determination of the working length when it
is impossible to perform it by radiographic techniques.
Não há dados estatísticos.
Como Citar
Ricardo Machado, Luiz Fernando Tomazinho, Ângela Mayara Azedo Stel, Emmanuel João Nogueira Leal Silva, & Luiz Pascoal Vansan. (2014). Use of electronic apex locator in the impossibility of radiographic visualization of the root apex: report of two cases. Revista Sul-Brasileira De Odontologia, 10(4), 402–6.
Case Report Article