Effect of substrate and adhesive system type on composite resin restorations


  • Clarissa Cabral Trinta
  • José Ferreira Costa
  • Rosana Costa Casanovas de Carvalho
  • Sandra Augusta de Moura Leite
  • Daniele Meira Conde
  • Adriana Silva de Carvalho




dental adhesives; dentin; shear strength.


Although it is possible to obtain a reliable bond
between enamel and composite resin, the ideal bonding method of
composite resin to dentin still needs to be developed. Variables such
as the type of adhesive system used and type of dentin substrate can
influence on the adhesion. Objective: The purpose of this study was
to compare the shear bond strength of composite resin restorations
to human and bovine dentin using three adhesive systems. Material
and methods: Fifteen human third molars sectioned into two halves
and 30 bovine incisors were cut into blocks (4x4mm), embedded in
acrylic resin and ground flat to expose the dentin. The specimens
were randomly divided into six groups (n = 10): group 1 – human
dentin using Scotchbond Multi-Purpose; group 2 – human dentin using
Adper Single Bond 2; group 3 – human dentin using Adper Prompt
L-Pop; group 4 – bovine dentin using Scotchbond Multi-Purpose;
group 5 – bovine dentin using Adper Single Bond 2; group 6 – bovine
dentin using Adper Prompt L-Pop. After composite resin restoration
procedure, the specimens were stored into distilled water for 24h at
37ºC and then submitted to the shear test using a universal testing
machine. The failure patterns were examined microscopically and classified as adhesive, cohesive in resin, cohesive in dentin or both,
and mixed. The ANOVA (two-way) and Tukey’s post hoc were used.
Chi-square test for independence was used for analysis of failure
mode. The significance level was set at 5%. Results: A significant
difference in shear bond strength was observed among adhesive
systems (p = 0.031), with higher values for one-bottle adhesive
(8.87±2.72) and lower for self-etching (6.38±3.15), and between the
two types of substrate (p = 0.018), with higher values for human
dentin. However, there was no significant difference for the adhesive
system/substrate interaction (p = 0.11). Adhesive failure was the
predominant failure mode for all adhesive systems and for the two
substrates. Conclusion: Shear bond strength was different between
human and bovine substrates and for the adhesive system used. 


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Como Citar

Clarissa Cabral Trinta, José Ferreira Costa, Rosana Costa Casanovas de Carvalho, Sandra Augusta de Moura Leite, Daniele Meira Conde, & Adriana Silva de Carvalho. (2014). Effect of substrate and adhesive system type on composite resin restorations. Revista Sul-Brasileira De Odontologia, 10(4), 306–12. https://doi.org/10.21726/rsbo.v10i4.938