Hidden caries’ challenge diagnosis: case report
dental caries; bitewing radiograph; diagnosis.Resumo
Hidden caries is a term used to describe occlusal
dentine caries that is missed on a visual examination, but is large and
demineralised enough to be detected by another exam for example,
radiographs. Case report: This article reports a case of large dentine
caries, which presented as to be a small pit-and-fissure carious lesion
on the occlusal surface of the right mandibular permanent first molar
in a 10-year-old girl. The treatment included root canal treatment and
the sealing of the cavity with composite resin. Conclusion: Careful
visual examination, with cleaning and drying of teeth, associated to
bitewing radiographs may improve occlusal caries detection. Dentists
should examine bitewing radiographs carefully for proximal caries
and occlusal demineralization. Radiographs are an effective method
of caries diagnosis that can avoid large destruction and allows less
invasive treatment.