Staining susceptibility of methacrylate and silorane-based materials: influence of resin type and storage time


  • Leonardo Fernandes da Cunha
  • Lino Oliveira Carvalho de Santana
  • Samantha Schaffer Pugsley Baratto
  • José Mondelli
  • Gisele Aihara Haragushiku
  • Carla Castiglia Gonzaga
  • Adilson Yoshio Furuse



resin composites; color; pigmentation.


The color stability of composite resins is a fundamental
factor in their clinical behavior. Objective: To evaluate the color
stability of composite resins of different colors exposed to a colabased soft drink after different storage periods. Additionally, three
methacrylate-based materials and one silorane-based material were
evaluated. Material and methods: Specimens of three methacrylatebased materials (Opallis EA3, DA3 and T-Neutral; Filtek Supreme XT
A3E, A3D and CT; 4 Seasons A3 Enamel, A3 Dentin and High Value)
and one silorane-based material (Filtek P90 A3) were prepared, lightcured for 40 s, and manually polished with Sof-Lex discs. Samples
were stored for 1 h, 24 h or 7 days. The color was evaluated by CIELab system before and after immersion for 10 min in a cola-based
soft drink. Color variation (∆E) was calculated from individual values
of L*, a* and b*, being considered imperceptible when < 1, clinically acceptable when ≤ 3.3, and clinically inacceptable when higher than
3.3. Data were evaluated by two-way Anova and Dunnett’s T3 tests
(α = 0.05). Results: There were differences among the resins (p <
0.001), with an interaction effect being also observed (p < 0.001).
Storage time was not significant (p = 0.246). P90 showed a ∆E
smaller than one unit at all studied times. Supreme XT CT and 4
Seasons High Value showed higher ∆E, but not above the critical
value of 3.3. The only material that showed ∆E higher than 3.3 was
Opallis DA3 after 1 h of storage. Conclusion: The silorane-based
composite resin showed smaller ∆E at the times studied.


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Como Citar

Leonardo Fernandes da Cunha, Lino Oliveira Carvalho de Santana, Samantha Schaffer Pugsley Baratto, José Mondelli, Gisele Aihara Haragushiku, Carla Castiglia Gonzaga, & Adilson Yoshio Furuse. (2014). Staining susceptibility of methacrylate and silorane-based materials: influence of resin type and storage time. Revista Sul-Brasileira De Odontologia, 10(2), 161–6.