Criminal liability in dental practice


  • Cybelle Enta do Prado
  • Luciana Damasceno Ferreira Kanunfre
  • Alessandra Pinto Feistler
  • Wellington Zaitter



criminal liability��; penal code�� Deontology��; Dentistry� dentist


The technical and scientific evolution is the greatest
advance in dentistry since its regulation with the law 5.081/1966;
however it is worth remembering that constant modernization of
treatments brings along a proportional increase on the dentist’s
responsibilities with his patient. The professional should always
keep in mind that along with his hand ability, innovative techniques
and the best material applied there is Deontology evaluating three
areas: civil, ethical-administrative and criminal. It is the dentist’s
obligation to follow and respect the deontological issue in a world
where lawsuits against peers have increased exponentially. Objective
and Conclusion: The presented study reports the relations in the
Brazilian penal code concerning to criminal responsibility of the
health professionals, analyzing the dental behaviors which, once
applied, configure criminal types, �ecting the agent to the
prosecution and trial of criminal justice. A little known subject
hardly ever discussed in dentistry.


Não há dados estatísticos.




Como Citar

Cybelle Enta do Prado, Luciana Damasceno Ferreira Kanunfre, Alessandra Pinto Feistler, & Wellington Zaitter. (2014). Criminal liability in dental practice. Revista Sul-Brasileira De Odontologia, 10(1), 96–101.