Profile of temporomandibular disorder patients submitted to dental and physiotherapeutic treatment at a private clinic
temporomandibular joint disorders; etiology; physiotherapy.Resumo
Temporomandibular disorder (TMD) is the term
used in Dentistry to define the structural and disorder changes
affect the physiology of the masticatory system composed of TMJ
and related to musculoskeletal structures. Objective: To conduct a
descriptive, transversal and documentary study aiming to determine
the profile of 14 TMD patients undergoing simultaneous dental
and physiotherapeutic treatment at a private practice of the city of
Fortaleza-Ce. Material and methods: The following instruments
for the collection of the data were employed: files registering the
evaluation and evolution, findings of the radiographic examinations
and forms. Data were statistically analyzed through SPSS software,
version 10.0. Results: Most of the sample was composed by females
aged 32 years (+/-10.60) in average, mainly complaining about
chronic headache, masticatory myalgia , TMJ pain, cervicalgy,
otalgia, among others. The complete sample presented, at least, one pathology associated to and/or concomitant to TMD. The radiographic
findings showed TMJ alterations and tooth losses. Analgesics were
the most used drugs. Conclusion: TMD is a complex syndrome,
with many etiologies and symptoms, aggravating and perpetuating
factors, requiring multiple and even more specialized therapeutic
management attempting treatment success.