Masseteric cysticercosis: an uncommon appearance diagnosed on ultrasound
masseter cysicercosis; ultrasonography; nonsurgical management.Resumo
Cysticercosis occurs when man is infested by the
larvae of Taenia solium. Cysticercosis involving the maxillofacial
region is not only an uncommon event, but also represents a
difficulty in clinical diagnosis. Objective: The present manuscript
highlights masseteric cysticercosis as a differential diagnosis of
chronic maxillofacial swellings and the role of high resolution
sonography as an important noninvasive and non-ionizing
imaging modality. Case report: We present a case of masseteric
cysticercosis in an eight year old Indian boy, its clinical features,
the imaging modalities required and adequate management of
the case. Conclusion: Cysticercosis should always be a part of
the differential diagnosis of maxillofacial swellings. A thorough
case history, clinical examination, proper investigations and
conservative treatment forms the mainstay for management of
affected patients.