Mesiodens surgery at deciduous and permanent dentition
supernumerary teeth; cone-bean computed tomography; pediatric dentistry.Resumo
To report a rare case of a patient
who presented two mesiodens and the treatment performed at
two moments. Case report: A 7 year-old male patient reported a
supernumerary tooth extracted at age 4. The dental clinical exam
revealed giroversion of permanent maxillary right central incisor.
Cone-beam computed tomography (CBTC) revealed a presence of a
mesiodens located at the buccal surface mesially to the permanent
maxillary left central incisor and also indicated that the mesiodens
was located close to the floor of the nasal cavity. The surgery
was performed with a conservative intervention and osteotomy by
preserving the adjacent structure. The one-year following-up postoperative x-ray indicated new bone deposition and a more favorable
eruption position of the right permanent maxillary lateral incisor.
Conclusion: It can be concluded that an early diagnosis by CBTC
allowed an adequate treatment planning, which avoid the formation
of cysts and a prolonged retention of permanent tooth.