Indications and restorative techniques for glass ionomer cement


  • Fabio Antonio Piola Rizzante
  • Rafael Schlögel Cunali
  • Juliana Fraga Soares Bombonatti
  • Gisele Maria Correr
  • Carla Castiglia Gonzaga
  • Adilson Yoshio Furuse



glass ionomer cements; biocompatible materials; dental restoration, permanent.


Due to its chemical, mechanical and biological
properties, the glass ionomer cements (GIC) consist in one of the
most versatile direct restorative materials, with many potential
clinical indications, especially in the context of minimally invasive
dentistry. Nevertheless, they have some limitations and require the
knowledge of their characteristics and procedures of application in
order to achieve their maximum potential. Objective: To demonstrate
through literature review the main characteristics, indications,
limitations and future perspectives for the use of GIC. Literature
review: The database, such as Pubmed and Lilacs were used.
Additionally, books were also evaluated and included. Conclusion:
The GIC is in constant evolution and is one of the materials that are
best suited in the context of preventive and conservative dentistry.
It has satisfactory properties and versatility. On the other hand,
presents inferior properties when compared to other direct restorative
materials, requiring caution during its handling.


Não há dados estatísticos.




Como Citar

Fabio Antonio Piola Rizzante, Rafael Schlögel Cunali, Juliana Fraga Soares Bombonatti, Gisele Maria Correr, Carla Castiglia Gonzaga, & Adilson Yoshio Furuse. (2016). Indications and restorative techniques for glass ionomer cement. Revista Sul-Brasileira De Odontologia, 12(1), 79–87.