Evaluating of oral and salivary conditions of two specific groups of workers


  • Nicolae Carvalho de Paula
  • Carolina Dea Bruzamolin
  • Paulo H. Tomazinho
  • Luciane Variani Pizzatto
  • Wellington M. Zaitter
  • Eduardo Pizzatto




oral health; occupational dentistry; DMF index; saliva.


Tooth decay is one of the most
common chronic oral diseases found in industrial countries and is
a multifactorial disease which has sugar as a key dietary factor. The
amount of saliva concentration and presence of cariogenic bacteria
will favor the development of caries. Because of this, the aim of this
study was to collect and analyze data on oral alterations referred to
tooth decay, oral pH changes, and changes of the oral microbiota
in two distinct groups of workers. Material and methods: 30
individuals belonging to two different groups of workers: group A
(GA) – workers who maintain daily contact with the confectionery;
group B (GB) – workers who do not have such contact. Saliva
collection was done by analysis of the salivary pH in both groups,
as well as cultivation of Lactobacillus spp and S. mutans. We also
evaluate the dental status of individuals belonging to the two groups
through the DMFT index. Results: After the examinations of 30
workers (17 from the GA [9 men and 8 women] and 13 in the GB
[7 men and 6 women]), the mean DMFT of the individuals in the
group A and group B, was 7.41 (SD 5.14) 7.08 (SD 5.56), respectively,
without statistically significant differences (p < 0.05). The count of
S. mutans and Lactobacillus spp, was not statistically significant.
Conclusion: There was no statistically significant relationship
between presence of dental caries and the fact that workers are in
contact with sugar because they work on candy food industry, but
new studies are needed for more precise research.


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Como Citar

Nicolae Carvalho de Paula, Carolina Dea Bruzamolin, Paulo H. Tomazinho, Luciane Variani Pizzatto, Wellington M. Zaitter, & Eduardo Pizzatto. (2016). Evaluating of oral and salivary conditions of two specific groups of workers. Revista Sul-Brasileira De Odontologia, 12(1), 50–5. https://doi.org/10.21726/rsbo.v12i1.729