Outpatient dental treatment under general anesthesia in children with cleft lip palate: case report


  • Ana Clara Suplicy Diogo Santos
  • Kimberlly Tennylle Vonsovicz
  • Sheila de Carvalho Stroppa
  • Juliana Yassue Barbosa da Silva




Dentistry; children; general anesthesia.


This study aimed to report the case
of an eight-year-old patient with cleft lip and palate associated with
undiagnosed syndrome presenting high level of carious lesions,
difficulty on oral hygiene, no collaborative behavior and cariogenic
diet. Case report: The patient underwent outpatient treatment for
dental extraction and Atraumatic Restorative Treatment. Later at the
following-up appointment, the child presented new active white spots
and fractured restorations. Then, dental treatment under general
anesthesia for amalgam restorations was indicated. Conclusion: We
conclude that dental care under general anesthesia was an alternative
treatment for the reported child in this clinical case that had a high
prevalence of caries, cariogenic diet, loss of lip elasticity due to
corrective surgeries, difficult access for oral hygiene and caregiver’s
fear to toothbrush near to the cleft.


Não há dados estatísticos.




Como Citar

Ana Clara Suplicy Diogo Santos, Kimberlly Tennylle Vonsovicz, Sheila de Carvalho Stroppa, & Juliana Yassue Barbosa da Silva. (2016). Outpatient dental treatment under general anesthesia in children with cleft lip palate: case report. Revista Sul-Brasileira De Odontologia, 13(2), 116–23. https://doi.org/10.21726/rsbo.v13i2.714