Bilateral maxillary osteoplasty with esthetic purpose in patient with secondary hyperparathyroidism-related brown tumor: case report


  • Bruna da Fonseca Wastner
  • Vitor Hugo Candido Ferreira
  • Juliana Lucena Schussel
  • Roberta Targa Stramandinoli-Zanicotti
  • Laurindo Moacir Sassi



brown tumour; secondary hyperparathyroidism; chronic kidney disease.


To report a case of a patient with secondary hyperparathyroidism that developed brown tumour in bilateral maxilla surgically managed with bilateral osteoplasty for aesthetic reasons. Case report: A 46 years-old woman patient with chronic kidney disease with complain of a painless bilateral growth on the maxilla, beginning 10 years before that ceased after surgical removal of the parathyroid eight years before. A CT scan showed a diffuse and heterogeneous bone lesion, with lytic areas and increased multilobulated volume on the maxilla, bilaterally. The surgery was an osteoplasty of the maxilla bone and performed under general anaesthesia. At 16-month follow-up, no recurrence was observed and the patient is satisfied with aesthetic and functional results. Conclusion: Secondary hyperparathyroidism related with oral brown tumour is a rare condition that affects function and aesthetic. The case reported in this paper was appropriately managed, achieving patient expectation and improving her life quality.


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Como Citar

Bruna da Fonseca Wastner, Vitor Hugo Candido Ferreira, Juliana Lucena Schussel, Roberta Targa Stramandinoli-Zanicotti, & Laurindo Moacir Sassi. (2016). Bilateral maxillary osteoplasty with esthetic purpose in patient with secondary hyperparathyroidism-related brown tumor: case report. Revista Sul-Brasileira De Odontologia, 13(1), 41–05.