Effect of the use of different periodontal curettes on the topography and roughness of root surface


  • Matheus André Müller
  • Emanuelle Cunha
  • Rafaela Scariot
  • João Cesar Zielak
  • Felipe Rychuv Santos
  • Tatiana Miranda Deliberador
  • Carmen Lucia Mueller Storrer




root scaling; curettes; scanning electronic microscopy; root roughness.


Periodontal scaling is the treatment approach most used to remove dental calculus, plaque, and altered cementum from root surface. During root decontamination, the instruments used leave the root rougher and more irregular. Objective: To verify the root surface after mechanical scaling with different Gracey curettes steel through SEM and superficial roughness analyses. Material and methods: Twelve teeth were embedded in acrylic resin. The teeth were instrumented with new Gracey curettes Gracey 5/6 from different brands. The groups (n=2) were divided into: control, no instrumentation (GC); carbon steel (CSN); stainless steel Neumar (SSN); stainless steel Millenium (SSM); premium steel Neumar (PSN); Hu-Friedy (HF). An area measuring 3 x 3 mm2 was marked on the distal surface of the root to guide the Reading of the root topography on SEM and rugosimeter. The data were analyzed by a single examiner previously calibrated. SEM analysis was based on scores of the root surface smoothness after scaling. We analyzed the parameters of mean roughness (Ra) and mean roughness deepness (Rz). SEM data were submitted to statistical analysis through Fisher’s exact test (p < 0.002) and roughness data by Anova followed by Student t test. Results: The quality of the active surface of the curette demonstrated by SEM and roughness analyses that it can exert difference in the result regarding to the homogeneity produced after the scaling of root surface. Group SSM demonstrated a homogenous root surface (score 0) in SEM and better smoothness in rugosimeter analysis. Conclusion: According to com the methodology used, the group of curettes that provided better smoothness of root surface after scaling was SSM.


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Como Citar

Matheus André Müller, Emanuelle Cunha, Rafaela Scariot, João Cesar Zielak, Felipe Rychuv Santos, Tatiana Miranda Deliberador, & Carmen Lucia Mueller Storrer. (2016). Effect of the use of different periodontal curettes on the topography and roughness of root surface . Revista Sul-Brasileira De Odontologia, 13(1), 18–24. https://doi.org/10.21726/rsbo.v13i1.677