Clinical and radiographic assessment of root canal treatments performed by dental students


  • Andressa Benvenutti
  • Micheli Scalvi
  • Sinval Adalberto Rodrigues Junior
  • Carla Battiston



dental pulp cavity; dental restoration failure; dental clinics.


Retrospective assessment of procedures performed in dental school clinics is a valuable tool to critically assess the teaching/ learning process. Objective: This retrospective study assessed the success rate of root canal treatments executed by dental students during a two-year time span. Material and methods: Patients who had undergone root canal treatments at the clinics of the School of Dentistry of Unochapecó during 2011-2013 were recalled for assessment of the quality of the procedure and the associated coronal restoration. The quality of the root canal treatments was assessed clinically and radiographically, while the coronal restorations were assessed clinically by a trained dental student. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics and chi-square test (α=0.05). Results: Thirtytwo patients returned for evaluation of 38 root canal treatments and coronal restorations. The success of root canal treatments was 89.5%, while 78.5% of the coronal restorations were considered successful. A significant association was observed between the success of the root canal treatments and the quality of the coronal restoration (p<0.005) and the apical length of the root canal filling (p><0.011). The presence of flaws within the filling material was not significantly associated to the success/failure of the root canal treatment (p=0.459). Conclusion: A high success rate of root canal treatment performed by dental students at an average 13-month evaluation period was observed. An adequate coronal restoration and a good apical sealing is required for a good prognosis of teeth undergoing root canal treatment. ><0.005) and the apical length of the root canal filling (p<0.011). The presence of flaws within the filling material was not significantly associated to the success/failure of the root canal treatment (p=0.459). Conclusion: A high success rate of root canal treatment performed by dental students at an average 13-month evaluation period was observed. An adequate coronal restoration and a good apical sealing is required for a good prognosis of teeth undergoing root canal treatment.


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Como Citar

Andressa Benvenutti, Micheli Scalvi, Sinval Adalberto Rodrigues Junior, & Carla Battiston. (2016). Clinical and radiographic assessment of root canal treatments performed by dental students. Revista Sul-Brasileira De Odontologia, 13(1), 11–07.