Treatment of class II furcation defects with autogenous bone graft associated with Bichat’s fat pad: case report
furcation defects; adipose tissue; guided tissue regeneration, periodontal.Resumo
The periodontal treatment of teeth with furcation defect is clinically challenging. In cases of class II furcation defects, the regenerative surgery shows low morbidity and good prognosis when correctly indicated. The aim of the present study is to report a treatment option for class II furcation defect through autogenous bone graft associated with the Bichat’s fat pad. Case report: A 59-year-old female patient was diagnosed with class II furcation defect in the left mandibular first molar. The treatment comprised surgical reconstruction of the defect with a combination of maxillary tuberosity bone graft and Bichat’s fat pad. The clinical and radiographic follow-up of 180 days showed bone formation in the furcation area and absence of probing depth. Conclusion: An association of autogenous graft form the maxillary tuberosity with a Bichat’s fat pad proved to be a safe, low cost, and effective therapy for the regenerative treatment of class II furcation.