Subjective analysis of sensitivity perception in patients submitted to orthognathic surgery
orthognathic surgery; paresthesia; sensation.Resumo
Bilateral sagittal split osteotomy is the best-established orthognathic surgical technique for mandibular dentofacial deformities correction. Some technique-related complications may occur, being paresthesia the most common. Objective: To subjectively evaluate postoperative sensitivity of individuals who underwent orthognathic surgery. Material and methods: A two-part questionnaire was answered by thirty subjects in different post-operative periods: 48 hours (T1), 7 days (T2), 14 days (T3), 30 days (T4), 60 days (T5) and 90 days (T6). Significance level was set at 0.05. Results: In part one, the Nature of Altered Sensation evaluation was performed in chin and lips. There was an improvement from T1 to T6 in regarding locations of the altered sensation (p < 0.001), moments of the altered sensation (p = 0.001), and in pain or other unpleasant sensation (p = 0.003). Other variables regarding the Nature of the Altered Sensation did not show statistically significance difference over time (p > 0.05). Regarding part two, functional impairment, it was noted that there was an improvement in T6 in relation to all variables (p < 0.05). There is a decrease in pain, lip bites, burning sensation and drooling sensation (p < 0.05). Also, there was a decrease in the difficulty for oral care. Conclusion: There is an improvement in the Nature of Altered Sensation as well as functional impairment over time.