Treatment of deep bite with bite plate: a case report


  • Allan ABUABARA
  • José Carlos Faria LAGO



overbite; deep bite; malocclusion; bite plate; Equi-Plan.


Certain aspects of malocclusion, particularly deep bite, can be related
to periodontal pathology and the healthy of temporomandibular joints
(TMJ). In orthodontics, deep bite has always been considered as a
difficult anomaly to correct, but also as the one most hindering to
solving the problems resulting from other associated malpositions. A
case report of deep bite and crossed bite of permanent upper left
lateral incisor in a Class I malocclusion and permanent dentition
illustrates the principles of case management. The reduction of deep
bite using bite plate (Equi-Plan) showed quick and short time in
permanent dentition (within 4 months). The mesofacial type of the
patient favored the fast treatment of the deep bite, in the same way
that a dolicofacial type also is favorable because of the facial vertical
growth pattern. In contrast, the braquifacial type demands greater
time to treat the deep bite.


Não há dados estatísticos.




Como Citar

Allan ABUABARA, & José Carlos Faria LAGO. (2008). Treatment of deep bite with bite plate: a case report. Revista Sul-Brasileira De Odontologia, 4(2), 61–64.