Apical and periapical tissues responses after root canal obturation with two calcium hydroxid based sealers in dog’s teeth
endodontics; root canal sealers; biological compatibility.Resumo
Introduction: At the ending of endodontic treatment, is very important
that the choice of root canal’s sealer will be done by biological
compatibility criterial, which could promote less inflammation, turning
quicker and more effective the healing process. Objective and
methodology: The aim of this study was to evaluate the apical and
periapical tissues reactions in dog’s teeth, after pulpectomy and root
canal’s cleaning and shaping, which limit was the fisiological barrier of
delta apical, and filling with gutta-percha and two calcium hydroxide
based endodontics sealers, Sealapex® and Apexit®, by those
hystopatological events in observation periods of 7, 21 and 45 days,
making a comparison of inflammatory reactions and reparacional
evolution that both materials promoted. Past all periods, the dogs were
killed and histological cuts of teeth were obtained. Results: Through qualitative-quantitative analysis, Sealapex showed inflammatory level
among mild and moderate in all periods, having a great improvement
in healing process at 45 days. There was a biggest dispersion of Apexit
in periapical tissue, which caused an intense macrophage activity,
raising inflammatory level in last period. Conclusions: Regardless of
the sealer used, there were observed necrosis in a few of delta apical’s
ramifications, being mostly in tooth filling by Apexit. In both ways,
Sealapex showed best results than Apexit, about increased inflammatory
reaction and healing process.