Morphometric study of length and grooves of lower central incisors roots


  • Paulo Roberto Lisa SANCHEZ
  • Carmen Mueller STORRER
  • Giuseppe Alexandre ROMITO
  • Francisco Emílio PUSTIGLIONI



anatomy/morphology; tooth root; periodontitis; root concavities; periodontal attachment loss.


Introduction: Root grooves are considered a risk factor for periodontal
disease. The purpose of this study was to measure the length of the
root of lower central incisors (LCI), as well as the width and depth of
the concavities of their proximal surfaces. Material and methods:
The width and depth of root concavities, as well as root length, were
evaluated in 90 LCI. All teeth were measured using a digital contour
measuring instrument (Contracer®) for the root grooves and a digital
calliper for evaluating root length. Results: After statistical analysis
(t-Student and Kruskal-Wallis Anova tests, p<0.05) it was possible to
confirm: the mean root length on its distal surface (13.88 ±1.47 mm)
and on its mesial surface (13.76±1.50 mm). Concavities were present in 100% of the samples; concavities were found 2 mm, coronally
from the CEJ, at the CEJ, and at all root surface. The concavities
were wider than deeper; on the mesial surface, the greatest width
was 1.877 mm and the greatest depth was 0.135 mm; on the distal
surface the greatest width was 1.717 mm and the greatest depth
was 0.118 mm. Conclusion: The distal surface of the lower central
incisor is the longest. The root concavities on the proximal surfaces are
present in 100%; the greatest width and depth was at 6 mm apically
from the CEJ at both sides, which corresponds to the root middle third.
One must get acquainted to the morphological variations of roots to
enhance diagnosis, prognosis and treatment.


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Como Citar

Paulo Roberto Lisa SANCHEZ, Carmen Mueller STORRER, Giuseppe Alexandre ROMITO, & Francisco Emílio PUSTIGLIONI. (2010). Morphometric study of length and grooves of lower central incisors roots. Revista Sul-Brasileira De Odontologia, 6(2), 169–75.