Sturge-Weber syndrome: a case report
SturgeWeber syndrome; angiomatosis; hemangioma.Resumo
Introduction: The Sturge-Weber Syndrome, also known as
encephalotrigeminal angiomatosis, is a rare vascular neurocutaneous
alteration. The main clinical features of this syndrome are facial
vascular cutaneous naevus, usually unilateral, which often follows
the outline distribution of trigeminal nerve. Objective: To report a
clinical case of Sturge-Weber Syndrome in a 29-yeral-old male patient
who presented oral manifestations related to the syndrome. Case
report and conclusion: The patient reported that he had presented
a cutaneous vascular nevus on the face during childhood as well as
epileptic crisis episodes. However, he had no ophthalmic alterations.
Sturge-Weber syndrome is a systemic condition commonly affecting
oral cavity through vascular lesions, therefore, dentists’ knowledge
is extremely important to provide an adequate dental treatment
without complications.