Root resorption after dental traumas: classification and clinical, radiographic and histologic aspects


  • Bruno Oliveira de Aguiar Santos
  • Diego Santiago de Mendonça
  • Denise Lins de Sousa
  • José Jeová Siebra Moreira Neto
  • Rebeca Bastos Rocha de Araújo



dental trauma; root resorption; classification.


Introduction: One of the most common sequelae observed after
dental trauma is root resorption. Objective: The aim of this study
was to classify and discuss the external root resorption after a
dental trauma, based on a literature review. Literature review:
A bibliographic search was performed in the following databases:
Medline, PubMed, and Lilacs, from 1997 to 2010. The following
descriptors were used: Root resorption, Dental trauma and
Classification. From a total of 152 articles found, 25 were selected:
24 in English and 1 in Spanish. Classic articles were also used in
our study. External root resorption after dental traumas can be
divided into superficial, inflammatory and replacement. It can also be
verified in primary dentition as physiological and atypical resorptions.
Conclusion: Each type of resorption presents clinical features as
well as radiographic and histological aspects. Therefore, the dentist
should know these characteristics to perform an early diagnosis
and appropriate treatment, minimizing the sequelae related to this
problem. Moreover, in primary dentition, the differential diagnosis
between physiological and pathological resorption is important to
avoid over-treatment.


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Como Citar

Bruno Oliveira de Aguiar Santos, Diego Santiago de Mendonça, Denise Lins de Sousa, José Jeová Siebra Moreira Neto, & Rebeca Bastos Rocha de Araújo. (2012). Root resorption after dental traumas: classification and clinical, radiographic and histologic aspects. Revista Sul-Brasileira De Odontologia, 8(4), 439–45.