Study of position and eruption of lower third molars in adolescents


  • Eduardo Machado Vilela
  • Paula Amorim Vitoi



third molar; tooth eruption; retention.


Introduction: The occurrence of retained lower third molars (3M)
is common. A careful analysis is necessary for proper clinical
management and the radiographic examination is fundamental.
The use of panoramic radiographs is extremely important for the
analysis and classification of 3M position, allowing the diagnosis
and the establishment of the treatment planning for the removal
of these teeth. Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate
the changes in position and eruption state of lower 3M during a
period of 3.6 years, as well as to identify factors that may be related
with early diagnosis of dental retention of these teeth in adolescent
patients. Material and methods: One hundred and one initial (T1)
and final (T2) panoramic radiographs from patients treating at the
university’s orthodontic clinics were analyzed. The distribution of
195 lower 3Ms was evaluated taking into account personal data,
collected from clinical records. The data obtained in relation to the
positioning of the teeth were based on the ratings of Winter and
Pell & Gregory. Results: The results showed that vertical position
was the most prevalent and the C level and class II positions were
predominant. The changes occurring in 3M position during the study
interval were not statistically significant. Conclusion: After the final
evaluation (T2) it was concluded that unpredictable changes in lower
3Ms position and eruption may occur. The variables race (P = 0.03)
and anterior border of the mandibular ramus (P = 0.007) seem to
have influence on the level of eruption, also suggesting influence on
this tooth retention within dental arches over the years.


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Como Citar

Eduardo Machado Vilela, & Paula Amorim Vitoi. (2012). Study of position and eruption of lower third molars in adolescents. Revista Sul-Brasileira De Odontologia, 8(4), 390–7.