Hypercementosis: a challenge for endodontic therapy


  • Fernanda Geraldes Pappen
  • Cecilia Definski Fagonde2
  • Josué Martos
  • Luiz Fernando Machado Silveira




hypercementosis; root canal therapy; morphology.


Introduction and objective: The purpose of this study was to
describe through literature review, the morphological characteristics
of teeth with hypercementosis that are relevant to endodontic practice.
Literature review: The pathologic deposition of cement increases
proportionally as the patient’s age increases. Genetic factors seem to
be related to hypercementosis occurrence in young patients. Based
on literature, it is possible to notice a lack of scientific studies which
guide the endodontist for treating teeth with hypercementosis, since
the cement deposition lead to the length increase of the cementum
canal, and consequently, to the increase of the distance from CDC
junction to apical root end. Conclusion: Thus, it is clinically relevant
to correlate the morphology of teeth with hypercementosis with the
specific aspects of endodontic therapy, aiming to establish the limits
of root canal treatment in cases of hypercementosis.


Não há dados estatísticos.




Como Citar

Fernanda Geraldes Pappen, Cecilia Definski Fagonde2, Josué Martos, & Luiz Fernando Machado Silveira. (2012). Hypercementosis: a challenge for endodontic therapy. Revista Sul-Brasileira De Odontologia, 8(3), 321–8. https://doi.org/10.21726/rsbo.v8i3.1078