Review of pulp therapy in primary teeth


  • Allan Abuabara
  • Bruno Monguilhott Crozeta
  • Flares Baratto-Filho



primary teeth; pulpotomy; conservative treatment.


It is extremely important for the dentist the knowledge
of the signs and symptoms caused by inflammation of the pulp of
primary tooth, especially when the issue is either to keep or extract
it. Objective: To develop a guide to assist dentists in the diagnosis
and management of pulp therapy of primary teeth. Methodology:
The protocols of the American Association of Pediatric Dentistry
(reviewed in 2009), the British Society of Pediatric Dentistry (reviewed
in 2006) and Cochrane Library (August of 2011) were sought for
the best evidence to assist managers and professionals in the most
appropriate decisions for their patients. Conclusion: Regardless of
the decision concerning to the primary tooth and to the different
treatment modalities, attention should be directed to the prognosis
of the tooth in question, by restoring its health and function.




Como Citar

Allan Abuabara, Bruno Monguilhott Crozeta, & Flares Baratto-Filho. (2013). Review of pulp therapy in primary teeth. Revista Sul-Brasileira De Odontologia, 9(4), 474–7.