Papillary regeneration: anatomical aspects and treatment approaches


  • Jaína Dias de Oliveira
  • Carmen Mueller Storrer
  • Andrea Maria Sousa
  • Tertuliano Ricardo Lopes
  • Juliana de Sousa Vieira
  • Tatiana Miranda Deliberador



dental papilla; gingival; regeneration.


This paper aims to report a literature
review on the anatomy and morphology of the interproximal papilla
and present the options of both surgical and nonsurgical treatment
for the recovery of interdental papilla. Literature review: The loss
of the interdental papilla because of the interproximal bone loss
accounts for aesthetic, phonetic and functional problems of patients
with periodontal disease. The interproximal tissue reconstruction
has been reported in literature through both surgical procedures
with the use of subepithelial connective tissue graft, restorative
and orthodontic treatment. Conclusion: The etiology of gingival
black space is multifactorial, therefore, it is important to diagnose
properly the etiological factor to establish an appropriate treatment
planing. However, the treatment approaches are not predictable and
further studies are necessary to recommend the clinical practices
available to date.


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Como Citar

Jaína Dias de Oliveira, Carmen Mueller Storrer, Andrea Maria Sousa, Tertuliano Ricardo Lopes, Juliana de Sousa Vieira, & Tatiana Miranda Deliberador. (2013). Papillary regeneration: anatomical aspects and treatment approaches. Revista Sul-Brasileira De Odontologia, 9(4), 448–56.