How to diagnose and treat periodontalendodontic lesions?


  • Carmen Mueller Storrer
  • Giuliana Martina Bordin
  • Tarcísio Tavares Pereira



periodontal-endodontic lesions; diagnosis and treatment; microbiology.


This literature review aims to assess the causes and
consequences of periodontal-endodontic lesions, as well as its
clinical, radiographic and microbiological aspects. Literature review:
Periodontal-endodontic lesions are often changes that affect all teeth
due to the close relationship between pulp and periodontium. Many
authors researched about this, but there are many disagreements
on the subject, starting with the different types of classification, in
which many are based on the origin of the disease, the other forms
of treatment, degree of pulp involvement, among others, with the
purpose of helping in the correct diagnosis. The knowledge of the
etiology of the disease is extremely important, because the success
of the treatment depends on the rapidity of its onset, the treatment
protocol adopted and medication use. Conclusion: It is necessary
that the dentists know the morphology and structure of the oral
cavity, as well as the knowledge of all factors that can cause the
same damage, so that they differentiate the types of periodontalendodontic lesions regarding to its origin, defining the best treatment
to be followed.


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Como Citar

Carmen Mueller Storrer, Giuliana Martina Bordin, & Tarcísio Tavares Pereira. (2013). How to diagnose and treat periodontalendodontic lesions?. Revista Sul-Brasileira De Odontologia, 9(4), 427–33.