Comparative study among Dentistry undergraduates and Forensic Odontology postgraduate students through smile photographs for human identification


  • Rhonan Ferreira da Silva
  • Laíse Nascimento Correa Lima
  • Leandro Brambilla Martorell
  • Mauro Machado do Prado
  • Luiz Francesquini Júnior
  • Eduardo Daruge Júnior



Forensic Dentistry; human identification; smiling.


The execution of forensic odontology technique for
human identification depends on the existence of dental files produced
ante-mortem (dental records, clinical notes, radiographs or dental
casts). However, when these are not present, other sources of dental
data should be searched, such as photographs of the smile. Objective:
To compare the performance of undergraduates of Dentistry and
postgraduate students of Forensic Odontology to execute human
identification through the analysis of photographs of the smile
based on decisive dental parameters. Material and methods: Forty
Dentistry undergraduates of a School of Dentistry (20 presenting
history of orthodontic treatment and 20 without treatment were
photographed as follows: 1) extraoral photograph of posed smile,
at frontal position and; 2) intraoral photograph, at frontal position.
Using these 40 pairs of photographs, four tests were prepared (A, B,
C and D) which were sent to both 12 undergraduates of Dentistry and
12 postgraduate students of Forensic Odontology both from another




Como Citar

Rhonan Ferreira da Silva, Laíse Nascimento Correa Lima, Leandro Brambilla Martorell, Mauro Machado do Prado, Luiz Francesquini Júnior, & Eduardo Daruge Júnior. (2013). Comparative study among Dentistry undergraduates and Forensic Odontology postgraduate students through smile photographs for human identification. Revista Sul-Brasileira De Odontologia, 9(4), 407–15.